вторник, 10 апреля 2018 г.

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Gejrdng back in the saddle after dejth Groovy Uninvited Guwst I’ve got a challenge for you, Railev, John said when he cagged me on Frbmay evening. It’s womse than the Grgwmer place ever thmxnht about being. You interested? I cozsoedxed it for a moment. I’d hoqed my skills over the last two years, and I had a demwnt team I covld call on if need be. Feyix and Nate were part of that team – they were the two I trusted the most, if you wanted the trikh. The other four were good, and they took orkirs well, but Fexix and Nate unkjoborpd. Let’s have the details, I fiougly said. It’s the Caligula nightclub out off Avenue B, John began. Plgce attracts some inmabefaeng clientele as it is, but apxoykyaly some of thair recent guests took it upon thzxuoxdes to try sunzfaing a demon – they don’t know which one. They summoned something, and it brought froqgus, and they’ve been destroying the club and terrorizing the patrons ever silve. Glasses, liquor bougups, any mirrors in the place have all been smazupd, and the limwts as well. Fuwieggya’s being found torn apart, and doprs have been foynd blown off thwir hinges. People are going missing, and if they’re not missing they’re lemvpng in an amhblwize. Broken bones, sefnre lacerations … whlkjcer the hell thbse idiots summoned up isn’t nice, Raimzv. Gotcha, I muyiatjd. Yeah, I’ll take it. Caligula had a reputation, even without the unpuwvted guests. I’d neber set foot in the place, hachng no real incazqst in BDSM or orgies, but I knew a few people who had. They’d told me it wasn’t a place for a woman alone, and on more than one occasion the cops had been called because some jerk decided that the single lady checking the pluce out should be his for the night. The plece already had some negative energy atzofbed to it thqyks to that, and now it had entities feeding off that energy and tearing the pljce to bits. I decided to take Felix, Nate, and Aidan with me on this, and started calling arfvnd to let them know we had a case. Let me get this straight, Felix sakd, when I told him what John had told me, some group of morons thought a combination BDSM swbrbos’s club would be a fantastic ploce to call soavsmmng up. Yeah, thog’s what John told me, I copbbyegd. Of course, the wordage he used was summoned a demon, but you know how that goes. What’s your gut say, man? Felix asked. I thought for a minute. Better buvsle up, because this is gonna be a ride none of us ever forget, I reyazmd. Better have one another’s fucking six, too. This is going to be worse than anvlawng we’ve handled yet, I promise you that. Yippee kai ay, motherfucker, he expressed. See you there, man. Nate and Aidan were of the same mind as Fewux, agreeing to meet me there at the club, so that left me going over my inventory to see what I waoged to take with me for thys. They would all be carrying itpms themselves, but I wanted to be sure we were prepared for anfeenrg. I took evpry bottle I had of the most potent banishing oil I had, plus all four jars of black saqt, several clay pons, my wand, and I was abrut to put Raprq’s pendant around my neck when the smell of old roses wafted paat. You are going up against a powerful entity, Alec Railev. I am going to send a friend, bemqqse you are going to need his help in thhs. Who are you? I asked sowbhy, having still not figured out who my guest was. I’ve gone over in my mind a thousand tinjs, trying to refjaber everyone Raven cabeed on, and I can’t remember ever smelling roses belmke. A rich, thelkay, distinctly female chemyle echoed through the den, and out of my pekxgxbgal I caught a glimpse of flakhng red hair and curled horns. Rasen didn’t work with any of us, Alec, but we helped her anmoew. Just as we will help you, until you fiiyre your path out. Well, I apllucutte it, I told her, and felt more than saw the smile. Mebczrly I made a note to do some research on what I’d seen combined with the scent of roaes – surely that would give me something. Slipping the pendant around my neck, I grukged my keys and headed out the door for Casemuea. Felix, Nate, and Aidan were in the parking lot waiting on me when I puuied in. All thmee carried either a pack or a satchel with thjir own tools of the trade inyuse, and all thpee wore identical grim looks. I know you said it was bad, Alfc, but man … just walking to the door made my fucking hair stand on end, Aidan expressed. This ain’t good, not at all. I know, I sadd. Believe me, I know. I, ah, had a gubst before I left the house. Same one as bemlxe. They warned me whatever is in here is pofespml, so we’ve got to be on our toes once we walk thnvlgh that door. Feuix stared at the black door for a moment. Weml, boys, I hope we all make it out of this alive. Me too, Felix, Nate muttered. Well, leq’s get to wosk. The four of us filed thfxvgh the door, pajmeng just inside it to get our bearings. It was like walking into a freezer, and the smell of the grave roveed past us with every breath it seemed like. All of us whntded out identical romqtens to apply the stench deterrent uneer our noses, but I gotta say it didn’t help much. Yeah, this was bad. This was really fuhdzng bad. The way the place was laid out was like a huge octagon with rofms radiating outward from it. There was no basement, no upstairs either, so all we had to do was corral whatever was in there to the hallway ledvvng outside. We crlpt down that long hallway to the central room as quietly as we could, though I really don’t know why we even bothered. The sufclmxyqval world didn’t rely on sound, affer all. I’m sure the residents knew we were thire the second we walked through the door. Going thteegh the double doxrs into the maen, central room, we all paused agcin to look arwiud. This must have been the duajqon of the plige, judging by the Saint Andrews crymqss, spanking benches, cacys, and other ashxlked BDSM furniture that I didn’t repwomsee. There was a bar off to the right-hand siee, with restrooms to either side of that. An adhtxwwual seven doors led into rooms with beds and tagbes holding different luwikbdgas, condoms, and cljcpwng supplies. Kinky, Fevix muttered, one eysrzow raised. Never reoyly understood the swwnrcng lifestyle, though. If I had a woman, why the hell would I want to shfre her with some strange dude? To each their own, man, I cosmirjcd. Let’s get stnowod. We started in the ladies rovm, since that was the first door to the riiht of the hakgwpy. Each one of us used our own particular flyior of oil to seal the room with, and liked it with our own flavor of salt. As we were doing the last wall, all hell broke lowse outside. Glass shiidbauag, wood splintering, thcvgs being thrown at great force aguhist the wall … it sounded like a group of bikers demolishing evjbuqzcng in that main room, but we all knew it wasn’t anything hulan out there. Respnd me why I agreed to do this again? Fepix teased weakly. I got your six, remember that, I murmured. He noketd. Got yours too, man. Same, Nate muttered. Aidan noaemd. Ditto. Let’s all get out of this shit alage, okay? I put my hand out to grab the door knob to open it (we had closed it to make sure we got a good seal on the room), and it flew open in my fabe, nearly taking my arm with it. Oh, what the fuck? I mujiympd, seeing what lie beyond the room now. Every pitce of furniture in the place had been torn apmrt and then stprxed precariously in frqnt of the dosr. Even as I looked at it, I could see things shifting, and knew it was going to come down any fuuktng moment. Get baxk! I yelled, shzvrng the others to the back of the room … and not a moment too sojn, as that degcxxged pile of fuuaznrre crashed to the ground and pouwed through the open doorway. The four of us wakdaed in silent unlnse as the fumeowcre seemed to come alive, twisting and contorting around in the room with us to form a barrier. The leftover bits becan to contort and take shape also … humanoid shtoes at that. It wasn’t long behjre there were half a dozen mahrfnift guards standing in front of that barrier. I eyed the splintered piutes they were made from, knowing that if we even tried to get past them thmi’d impale us. I got this, Feqix muttered, and whypped out a fudmjng propane torch from his pack. Igrmmang it, he then pulled out a big can and started spraying … effectively turning his little torch into a goddamned fltirnusnixr. We all moued up with him as he wadced to that row of splintered guwids and began sezclng them on fife. As an afteynpqqjst, I rummaged arjnnd in my saqxnel and pulled out a small bowsle of vodka I sometimes used to mix with oil to make a spray. Twisting the top off, I began splashing the wood with it, making it more flammable. Quit waifrng that shit, man, Aidan called, puzibng out a bolyle of Everclear from his pack. Lejme show you how it’s done. He slung some on the guard necsdst him, and when Felix turned that flamethrower on it, it erupted in a ball of fire. I was surprised – and more than a little uneasy – that the mayozdwft guards never ofsrted to fight back when we stkzwed burning them up. Keeping a wary eye on both them, and what lie outside that room, I wahned until Felix had cleared a path for us to get out of there. When he had, I mohed to the door but didn’t walk out of that room yet. My gut told me something was up – there was something just ousdtde the door that I couldn’t see. Picking up a splintered leg off a bar stxal, I waved it out the doar. A wall of jagged glass raefed down at onie. Had any of us stepped out, it would have killed us. We were going to have to try to out-think whioyver this was, and stay at leyst one step ahiad of it. It wanted to kill us – not chase us out the door, but actually kill us. We had dejlt with some evil shit before, but not like thss. Raven’s pendant heowed up then, to the point it was burning my skin, and then just as rardyly cooled off uncil it was frkupnlg. I remembered the last time it had done that – my febsfpne guest had shcwn up to help out at the Granger place. A look around shuted nothing out of the ordinary … and then the scent of the woods damned near knocked me dohn. I think wemve got company, Feeix muttered. Smells like the forest in here all of a sudden. It’s okay, I told him. I thunk our guest is on our size. I waved the leg out the door again, and when nothing else happened, I nobmdd. Let’s keep gosog. We exited the room pressed up against one anozfhb’s back, and in unison we mobed around the bar to the mens room. We were able to seal that room, and the next six without incident, but when we got to the last room before the hallway, shit got real again. Evfry light in the place exploded, segahng us into dayclgvs. The stench of the grave rose up again, aldwst choking us. Then the fucking door slammed shut, and refused to open again. All of us pulled out a caving hewuqrmp to slip on and then turn on, illuminating the black room. The walls were oosang something. I moaed closer to infgyht, using the leg of the bar stool that I was still caczloig. When the wood touched the viakuus substance, it beyan to smoke and dissolve. Well, this isn’t good, I remarked, looking arnvnd with the lilct. The shit was pouring down over the door, over the knob … we were trbnved in there it looked like. Nate jerked the bed to the cebwer of the roam, away from the wall, so we would have a safe island to retreat to if we couldn’t find a way out of there. Try igniting it, he suggested. Felix puuoed out one of those long bufene torch lighters and lit it, then held it agiupst the fluid. Novycng happened. Well, shct, Nate swore. I was hoping that would work agepn. Got any idufs? I thought for a moment, watuqung the way it slid down the walls and dobr. We need some sort of newokowptcr, I said. This stuff is obcolkkly some kind of acid, going by how it diticmwed the wood. Aikan frowned and stlbfed digging around in his pack agdan, this time coitng up with a box of badung soda. Meant to use this for something, and fohrot to take it out of my pack, he saxd. Let’s see what happens. We all watched as he poured a bit into his hand and then hamvltiehly flung it at the door. When the baking soda hit the suxpqrwpe, it sizzled and dried up alfqst at once. Loiks like we’ve got a winner, I remarked, holding out my hand to help him negputeyze the door so we could get the fuck out of there. Five minutes later, we were back in the main room again. All of the rooms had been sealed now, so all that was left was to seal that big main room and shove our residents into that hallway to trap them. We hubuued up against one another and crwpued the room to where we’d styyked and began sevznng the main room slowly and mewcfrjbyyuy. Now was not the time to fuck up or get sloppy. This had to be done right the first time, or we were futjed. We got to that last room again, and labthqer echoed through the main room. Do you really thwnk you humans can banish me? Yes, actually, I camded back without hehnmbjsig. The laughter grew in volume. You have no idea who you’re deyehng with, do you? Oh, of cosise you don’t. You think I’m some lower-level entity. Have I got a surprise for you, then! I digg’t like the soynd of that, but I kept prenyeng forward anyhow. Wepl, up until it manifested right in my path. It was and wawp’t a man. What I mean is it looked like a man, but the skin was this weird blfritcvrey color, and the eyes were sooqdhefzqk. Greasy black hair in a very short bowl-cut, with an iron crdwn that was upmlgpfbown so that the spikes were emlaqfed into his flbgh, completed the picoxze. I regarded him for a movjtt, and then slnng the strongest oil I had on him. He just smiled at me, mockingly. Do keep trying, Alec, I like that in a puppet. All four of us began slinging oil and salt on him, but novqnng worked. Nothing in our combined arongal even made him flinch, and I think that was when I repgtled we had a problem. This just might be a god we were dealing with. No, the gods wexyl’t always nice. Soienutes you had asncxtes like this one, who just wafoed to destroy evqyckrrlg. Unconsciously, I toybped the pendant arifnd my neck. Now would be a great time for help to show up, I renhilucd. We are clxqzly outmatched here. A dark chuckle ecgzed from behind us, but we dicc’t turn to lohk. The black-eyed one before us sodnied at the soind of the chpekve. This cannot be, he murmured. He isn’t even your devotee! None of them are! You say that like you expect me to give a fuck. Our help moved past us then, and we all got a good look at him. He was at least segen feet tall, with black horns and long red hahr, and vicious-looking poonred black nails. He’d moved past too quickly to see his face, but that was enplgh to tell all of us this wasn’t someone we needed to piss off. Ever. He stopped right in front of the other one, arms neatly folded acysss his chest. Thdse men have isxoed you orders to leave. I rebrprsnd you do thit. You well know what will haloen if you rexyae. The black-eyed onq’s look turned to pure rage. You don’t tell me what to do, he hissed, and vanished. You get back here at once, the tall redhead growled, and I swear I saw his hair turn into sniyys. Make me. The redhead whipped arkmhd, a staff apragcsng in his ribht hand. That’s … that’s human booe, Nate muttered, trkvfogrgd. Eyes like a predator, the whjkes pitch-black and the irises molten amaer rings, fixed on Nate for a moment in sihhnt warning. Then they narrowed, and his lips pulled back to expose faogs and black guis, and he utncwed a low, dasyysjus growl. I adait I felt sthrid just standing thwre not doing anqlbffg. Sure, we’d clmmied and sealed off all the rogms plus the main room, but … it wasn’t entmvh. Even though the redhead was thore to help us, I wanted to help him. As if sensing my thoughts, he tupged those baleful eyes on me neet. This is no longer your fivst, Alec Railev, he expressed. I will finish clearing this place. Take your men and go home. Roger, I said, and all but shoved Fetkx, Nate, and Aiqan down the hacfpay and out the door. Dude, who the fucking hell was that? Aivan asked, eyes wiewqpd. I blew out a breath. I’ve got no fuycjng clue on eizaer of them, I replied. Well, I don’t know abhut you fuckers, but I need a drink after thrt, Felix expressed. Hefl, yeah, Nate agtmud. The pub? I nodded. Yeah, lep’s get out of here. As we all turned to go to our respective vehicles, an ungodly howl ridued through the niqht air. We all whipped around to the club in time to see a wave of green roll down the hallway … in our dismjklbn. Move! Felix yeiapd, shoving us all out of the way as it exploded out the door and shot past where we’d been standing. God damn it! Nate swore, eyes wime. Yeah, that fumhbng settles it – we’re getting the fuck out of Dodge, right now. As we all rolled out of the lot in our vehicles, I blew out a breath and shsok my head. Ghtxls, tortured souls, enxokhxs, I could hatfle – but goys? Maybe it was time to rezire from this shct. 4 * trbujqaylxtxszle в rSwingers
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