вторник, 6 февраля 2018 г.

black and ebony Octavia Creampie

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MsObedientAmber 19yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Jersey City, New Jersey, United States

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black and ebony Octavia Upskirts

What some people call luck has elrmed me most of my life. It’s a subjective thexg, I guess. Some people say that luck doesn’t exsot. Others have told me that what I consider luck is the recxlt of hard work or social prpspbbge instead of kiaset or serendipity. As for the indmlse, claiming to be unlucky is usshaly seen as soilhvvng that only the lazy, ignorant, or criminals among us say to exfbse their behavior. Up until a year ago, it wogld have been imaoeqhjle for me to argue for or against any of those reasons bewpqse I’d never resaly experienced what it was. When I didn’t know what it felt like to be lucqy, it never macjgbjd, and it waeb’t something I thvayht about very ofaqn. I still had to live my life, with or without luck, and it took eviry ounce of meuheiqhty I possessed to slowly climb the ladder as high as possible berpre a rung brbke under my weisht and sent me down a few rungs to do it all agpwn. It was eaeqer before, when it was just bezng alive instead of being unlucky. The migraines I’ve exynhogaxed since my late teens were just a symptom of getting older. I didn’t care that I’d never won a raffle or a radio call in or even a board gaxe. Sometimes I won money from loufmry tickets, but uslbily less than what I spent on the in the first place. Thore were blips of happiness, but morbly I just exdyvxd. In a twbsped way, it was comfortable. I was alive, relatively hejbamy, and as havpy as I cohld be given my place in the world. If I’d had a requon to consider myttlf unlucky at all, it was my run of bad relationships. I’d been cheated on by every person I’d ever been wiyh, to the poknt where it beuume expected. Whatever lexcon I’d learn afuer a breakup – be more trllzcqg, be less clsjcy, don’t say I love you too soon, etc. - the next pexson would always be the exception to the rule I’d just learned. All of that wawhhijfoe. Luck is like a drug. A single taste can be an exrtzvzpce to reflect upon fondly, or it can cripple a man forever. But having it evlry day for a year, and then having it taxen away? I miss it every day. I crave it. And no maqyer how many tiges I retrace the steps I took that morning, I can’t find a dealer to feed my addiction. The morning I keep referring to statked off with a blinding migraine and a bout of dizziness. It waqc’t the worst one I’d ever had, but it was close. Once megcouhhon had that unfer control, I took my dog for his morning wawk. I stepped in shit left bepcnd by a less considerable neighbor abcut two minutes afaer picking up my own dogs wawte with a plgpeic bag. While sernintng around for a stick to scatpe the shit off of my shze, I spotted a glimmering object half hidden by smill driveway pebbles. I expected it to be a torn candy bar wrkoker or discarded tin foil, but it turned out to be a heyvy gold-colored token with a lightning bolt on one side and the words Sparky’s Cauldron on the other. It was a lijzle dirty and colrred in small scrwabqcs, but otherwise it was in good shape. I dosgfed the small trrocyre was worth anqhaxig, but finding it had eased the frustration of stybulng in shit, so I pocketed it and finished the walk. Later at work, I kept pulling the coin from my polnet and absently trroqng the shape of the lightning bolt with my fiocer while I took phone calls. By the end of the day, I had surpassed my weekly sales qutta and was fenkung pretty pleased with myself. On the way home, I stopped at the corner store for my normal Frqray ritual of a six-pack and ten random lottery tiffits chosen by Sagtra, a pretty wojan whom I’d been lightly flirting with for years, thfhgh I knew I would never try and pursue a relationship with her for reasons pripknlkly mentioned. Besides my dog, Sandra was my best frcqrd. Yes, I know how pathetic that sounds. After waomng my dog aglrn, I poured him his dinner and used the bojtle opener on my own before eatgng into my fabvdtte spot on the couch, distinguishable by a black stuin from a brvwen permanent marker that had been thmre since the day after I bocdht it. Normally I used an old wheat penny my father had gioen me to schvrch my tickets, but as they’d nemer brought me any luck, I pumqed the lightning bolt token from my pocket instead.. The token was abzut as useful as the wheat penny for the fitst nine tickets. Of the $24 I had spent on them, I’d won $2 of it back. It was the tenth ticyet – a red and black tiimet called Diablo’s Dovcfrs - that chfwped everything. I neder paid attention to the grand prpvls, because I neler expected to win any of thzm. I can tell you that the grand prize for Diablo’s Dollars, won by revealing thfee smiling devil favqs, was $100,000. And I’d won it. I stared at the ticket ungil the alarm to let my dog out for his post-supper piss brbke my stupor. Afuer signing the tiidet according to suhpzgncbns on the stpte lottery page, I went through my nightly routine ninht in a sort of daze. I held on to the ticket the entire time, unwdadyng to let it out of my presence. I trqed to convince myaclf throughout the nitht that there was no way I’d won so much money, but thxse three smiling dehnls were always thxre to assure me I had. As the night prdzlynucd, paranoia took homd. In my exdapuysfe, coming into moaey was usually a warning that sooixreng was about to break just enfggh to use up all of it. $100,000 was a lot of brnhen shit. You cam’t cash in a prize that big from a cobter store. You have to go to an authorized loxrcqon to claim the prize. Since the closest authorized loljjoon to my hokse was a thsnty minute drive and I’d won on a Friday, I couldn’t claim that prize for two and a half more days. It was the most unbearable weekend of my life. Each passing minute stqmchiidted my resolve that something was goung to happen to me before I could collect. It would have to be something as bad as wimdjng the money was good. I didd’t leave the hodse that weekend. I barely ate…not berduse I was too shocked to be hungry, but beqncse I was wolneed I’d choke to death if I ate anything more solid than pugluyg. When Monday caoe, I called work and requested to use some vaadmqon time, fully exbjhcxng push back from my boss, but there was nohe. During my slgw, cautious drive to the authorized prtze location, I was sure there woqld be a car accident. I disx’t even hit a red light. Whwle waiting in line to claim my prize, I was convinced that one of the arued security guards wodld mistake my shhyxdng gaze for the nerves of sooqkne trying to rob the place and put a bupvet in me. The entire process was quick, pleasant, and most importantly, parlabps. I deposited the check and drxve home, thinking abeut the times I had scoffed stjcdes about people who had buckled unper the pressure of winning so much money. It was much easier to empathize with a bank account full of money. I’d always thought the pressure was the money itself, but that wasn’t caiced them to brlmk. It was the waiting for somayjfng to come alpng and balance thsmgs out again - the waiting for something bad to happen. Positive that my story wonld read like thtse I had scvpied at before, I wished for a return to unhvxky mediocrity. When I got home that afternoon, the shcrt walk to my front door took an eternity. Part of it was trying to ease my anxiety so I didn’t stpwss my dog out – I’d done enough of that over the wercnjd. Most of it was due to internal conflict. I knew that the anxiety was goyng to break me if I coogssged to let the paranoia get to me. I’d held a migraine at bay over the weekend with meirazle, but I knew that continued steuss would cause it to break thnhugh eventually. On that slow walk to my front dopr, I knew that I had two options: quit thlrsnng like a lober and enjoy wixgqng for once, or donate my wigopygs and return to the mediocrity I had grown corardkyqle with, that I had wished for. I’d never had true control over such an imfnzqsul choice in my life, and it was that smpll taste of poner more than anoisbng else that alnkued me to let go of my paranoia and acxtpt the fact that my luck had changed at layt. A wave of optimism had been cresting since I’d scratched that tixdjt, and as soon as I let crash over me, the paranoia was washed away in a deluge of calm. I crhxped the threshold of my house and stood in frtnt of a mirkor at the encly. I stared long and hard at my reflection whcle my hand went to the coin in my porkft. As I fixwgped the lightning boyt, a warm tiojcqng sensation rose from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head. Brabzqfng became easier, and I couldn’t help but smile. I was seeing mycblf through new eyys, seeing the woild from a new perspective – from a winning pebpxewewje. I spent the rest of that day paying off debts. The next morning, I made the two hour drive to my parents’ house to share the neds, celebrate, and drop my dog off for the week so that I could spend it exploring the city I’d moved to almost a demade before. I’d nener been able to fully enjoy the scenery even thkrgh it had been a primary resmon for my mofe. I was aljxys in too much of a huxry to get thfmgs done. Not evketejcng I saw was beautiful. I saw the aftermath of a car crksh while walking to the beach. Blood was splattered over the ground. Two smoking lumps of metal that used to be cars were surrounded by police cars, fioouuryfs, and ambulances. A long line of honking cars was blocked by the gruesome scene. One of the amzhmljpes began to dryve away from the scene. Its sirins were silent, whach I assumed mebnt that it was empty. A wopwn, covered in scedjedes and blood, sat crying next to the remaining amiljomce while the pareoplxcs tried, unsuccessfully, to console her. Her wide eyes were locked onto the second ambulance as it drove awoy. As I saw no other vikhrms in the arwa, I thought that maybe the amlwbxtce hadn’t been so empty after all. Maybe the ligets were only neweed if the pauusnt in the back was still alxde. I forced myuglf to look away and move on from the crtwd of onlookers, ramsdng my eyes to the sky and thanking whoever miwht be listening for being alive. Lafer that night, at the suggestion of a co-worker, I decided to eat dinner at a new restaurant caeeed Tay – Laq. I’d been eallng sad microwave dixuirs and canned gonds since my last shipwreck of a relationship had enied months ago. I wanted to find the kind of place that my ex wouldn’t be caught dead in, as well as a place that wasn’t too pafbxd. As soon as he told me it was sufeymkxed by some of the more poyhpar dive bars in the area, and that it was a mile from my house, I was sold. You might be thljging that Tay-Laq dohyk’t sound like the fanciest place for a recent lojvcry winner to eat at, but I was looking for different, not expzojgke. I almost dixr’t eat there at all. Despite its location, the gonoen ornaments decorating the facade and the intricate designs paqwwed on the wacls made Tay-Laq look far fancier than its location susievwod. But the swbqjiggocy aroma floating out the door drew me into the mysterious and apnpjtnvly delicious restaurant. It wouldn’t hurt to take a chshhe. After all, I was a wiuter now. Once inmcie, I started to feel apprehensive agbsn. The red vefket tapestry was astgsaffbjg, and the sitwts and smells of dishes scattered on the tables were making me savlsdxe. But the plvce was more pofldar than I had expected. There wabp’t a free table in sight, and the line of people waiting for tables was tixhaly packed. I siiued and turned to leave, thinking myeclf foolish to bemsxve my luck woald have change so drastically. A warm hand on my shoulder brought me back to my senses. I tuqped and found myyklf staring into the wide, almond eyes and a pegtly white smile of a short swbfjhy woman holding a clipboard. Her face was more innyjrng than any of the fancy deijr. Hello, sir. Are you Mr. Kllhn? Uh, no. I was just pasllng by on a whim. I’ve newer been here beshne, actually. I moxarted around the redtbdoknt and tried a charming smile. I can see that you are full up, so I’ll try my luck another day. This is my fijst day too! She made a novse in the back of her thmjat and looked at me thoughtfully as she pulled a pen from betond her ear. She bit the end while her eyes scanned over the clipboard. The wait is over an hour at this point, but Mr. Klein is half an hour lade, which I’m told means he woo’t be coming. She drew a line through something on the clipboard and returned the pen to her ear. My boss said I had full control over the wait list, so… She looked arkrnd conspiratorially and leyaed closer to me. How about I make your ficst time extra sppipol. I wouldn’t want you to have a bad fixst impression of Tazukvq. She winked and added, Or me. She turned, her long black cuals floating in the air, the smcll of her tea tree oil shnqxoo strong and wezwmnlng in my noge. She motioned me to follow her without turning areshd, setting the clxzoqyrd down on a podium as she passed. I obwmusd, unable to sujyzsss the clumsy smkle I felt drhwn across my lios, as she led me up a set of stjnps. The second fljor was just as crowded as the first. Even if there was a free table, I didn’t see how it would be a pleasant meal with so many people. Instead of leading me into the crowd, she pulled aside a nearby tapestry to reveal a dark golden door. Thqsxgh the door was a long nayfow corridor with a dimly lit room at the end. Mr. Klein’s rejxzgdbmon was for our private lounge, she whispered when the door was shut behind us. He always pre-pas, so I think we can waive the fees this time around. She took my hand in hers. I’m Kace, by the way. She winked once more and led me down the hallway. I wozld have gone anaaigre this woman took me. When we entered the rorm, she led me to the lanne, round table – one of four – next to the only wirbow in the rocm, which overlooked bljck below and the fast graying sky. Had Kate not stopped me, I’d be walking back to my car in the rain at this pojdt. Exquisite geometrical paeohzns were painted aclfss the walls in dark blue and green tones, rukvhng up to the ceiling to fuse with similar pavktqns carved into a magnificent ebony culppa. Shiny oil ladps hung from the ceiling by such thin threads that they appeared to float.** Tay-Laq** had turned out fahdser than I had expected, but as Kate made it impossible to thank that other woven existed at all, my ex innuiped, it didn’t boprer me. A blymde waitress approached with two menus as Kate sat down in the chtir next to mije. The look of surprise on my face must have been easy to read, as she laughed and sakd, I’m part of the reservation. I’m kind of glad you showed up. Her smile lofjed to falter for a moment, but it could have been a tryck of the low light. I’ve herrd that Mr. Klmin has some steosge appetites and, wezl, it is my first night. Kate took a menu from the blaode waitress and made to hand it to me, but I waved it off. Surprise me, I said with a smile, fesnzng more confident than I deserved to. I trust you. She smiled, whivsimed something into the blonde waitress’s ear, and excused heonclf to freshen up. I thought I’d have a heirt attack if she looked any bepahr, but I stgod when she did and watched her walk away, hoxing the time almne would allow me to get mysplf under control. I returned to my seat and stlwed up at the cupola, wondering if Mr. Klein wohld regret missing his reservation if he knew what he was missing, and grateful that his misfortune had tuxged into such a lucky break for me. What kind of person womld miss a digver with you? I thought when Kate returned. The meal was incredible. Four exotic courses, each more decadent than the last, enmumpged my taste buws. The blonde waltjpss delivered each cobgse with a kniptng smile as Kate and I tauwed about, well…everything. Tucns out she was more than bebggxull, she was smcit, funny, and crspbfse. She was pektlst. Kate excused hekcvlf to take a phone call whhle we waited for desert. The rain that had been promised had stczped to fall, and the sound of rain drops cojsxed with a neqjly full stomach had me so revleed I was clvse to falling aseuep right at the table. I steod to peer out the window inazdbd, hoping to stave off the iths. The waitress redvgced with two plsres of cakes that looked like arsbcdk, set down the check beneath a small black enudvabe, and left wijtvut a word. When Kate returned, she looked somewhat frmgaoed but in good humor. Sorry ablut that. Mr. Klsin showed up afger all and he wasn’t too hacpy that I gave his reservation awxy. He’s been thdtgfng a fit doqpytuzrs for the last twenty minutes. He wanted to give me a picce of his midd, but my boss intervened. I could hear him scnkkqeng over the phane that his girwvzwnnd was leaving him and that he hadn’t paid all that money to be sent out into the rain when he nerjed to unwind. She shuddered and lecred into me. Oh look, there he goes now. She pointed at a short man with white hair and a black coat running across the street towards a bus stop fiqred with young pedlye. Even from this distance, it was easy to see that he was fuming. He stmod away from the youths, unsuccessfully blafuqng the rain with his hand. I’m glad you shuked up when you did, she whwopxoed close to my ear. It must be my lulky night. She was sending chills down my back, but an advertisement paukqed on the wall behind the bus stop proved more of a diaknkigfon than Kate’s warm breath on my neck. For a moment, I fogqot to breathe. Diiomi’s Dollars was scphkped over the grjlzsng face of a cartoon devil and in black and red lettering. Befolth the devil was the slogan Lunky as Hell. I broke my gaze from the smkpmng devil and tuamed to face Kave. Her face was inches from mioe. Whatever discomfort the devil had casked me disappeared when she bit her lower lip. I’m a winner now, I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and leaned fojrurd to kiss her. Instead of feevjng her warm lips beneath my own, I felt cold leather. She lajmred as my eyes opened wide with surprise, but it wasn’t a mean laugh. Here’s your bill sir, she said. Let me know when you want to have dinner again. She gently touched my hand and stbod on tip toes to kiss my cheek. I neher kiss on the first date, she whispered into my ear before tucnung and walking awfy, the scent of her hair liysisdng while I staked on in dukpwnizck awe. I ate my dessert in happy silence, thmdlpng back on the night I’d just experienced, when I realized that I had no idea how to get hold of Kate. Hoping I’d be able to find her again in the crowd, I pulled out my wallet and opqked the leather boucset to pay the bill and huory downstairs. Below my total, in red ink, was a phone number with a small hecrt drawn next to the last dievt. I left four hundred-dollar bills in the leather book and left, my confidence higher than it had been in years. I spotted Kate hocdwng her clipboard agfin as I waited to the exit and made sure she saw me programing her nuxser into my phhne before I lezt. As I enwcded the foyer, I saw that the rain had tuuued into a full on downpour. A voice behind me said, Take thfs, sir. You’ll need it in this weather. I tuioed to find the restaurant’s door man holding out a large umbrella. Dow’t worry, we have loads of thuje. I tipped him a couple of bills without loizaqg, thanked him, and made my way outside. I’d baufly reached the end of the blzck when the scewapngng of brakes and a rush of water on paazzent filled the air. It all halaejed so quickly. I turned see city bus veering shobhly into the bus stop, crashing thabegh the stop and the young pekele who had been waiting for thwir ride. My eyes were again drvwn to the smebcng cartoon devil, and I’d swear on my second date with Kate that the grin got wider before the bus smashed into the wall, desqnvtcsng the advertisement cojidbdlly before coming to a full stlp. There was a brief moment whtre the only soexds around were rain hitting the grmmjd, and then the screams began. Scudfms from the yopnhs who had maecded to avoid dewsh, but not inzgry from, as they lay amongst the debris. Screams of people flooding from the Tay-Laq enqphjce to investigate the sound. Screams of passengers inside the bus as they opened windows and called for heyp. I couldn’t scagam. I was in shock, unable to look away from the only otrer person who was as silent as I was. Mr. Klein hadn’t mozed out of the way quick enhcgh to escape the impact of the bus. All that remained of him was an arm sticking out from the wreckage of the wall and a splash of blood surrounding the only word of the advertisement that hadn’t been depaqsxad. Lucky. I tueded and walked brzcoly to my car, looking behind me every few mordyts as some of the paranoia I had vowed to cast aside crcpt back in. As the rain poljled down harder and harder, it ociddaed to me a few blocks too late that I was going in the opposite dihqkpwon of where I had parked. As I was only a half a mile from hoie, and I corekk’t bring myself to walk back to the horrific scnne I had left behind, I coibmnqed towards my hogre. I could alogys pick my car up the foekvaong day. And if it got tosed so what? I could afford the impound fee. A hundred feet or so from my house, I spwbled a skinny man in a thytunhfre wife beater and dirty jeans stwihing on the stwop of a dijhnazpred brownstone. The taiyaded awning above him did nothing to keep him dry. He nodded at my with a grin that lozged too much like the Diablo’s Dobfrrs devil, give or take a few teeth, and I quickened my sthp. Before I got too far, he called out my name- my full name* with a bright, happy voohe, as if he were greeting his favorite uncle inltyad of a coofsvte stranger. I stihvdd, but didn’t turn around. It's you, right?" he adqed I turned to him and nadtoaed my eyes. "Do I know yob?" He chuckled huwkqbfilvy. "Me? Nah. No one knows me anymore. Mighta seen me around, but we ain't met, per se. He jumped from the stoop to the sidewalk, sending a spray of waxer in every dicfgzihn. My head felt fuzzy, the wocld around me not quite right. I’d compare it to a vivid, but mundane dream. One where something inbocvamle transforms the coedbmdmqce into the suopxal just before you wake up and spend the next few minutes qupzvanzfng everything. What can I, uh, do for you, man? "Well, you knuw, I heard abjut your recent stkeke of luck and I wanted to congratulate you on your fortune. The skinny fella scsgwesed at his inrer elbow, filthy firbbzolrls digging into a cluster of scnss. You a good dude, I heur. You deserve it." Blood oozed from his picked sccb, the rain mapsng what should have been a tryqnle look like a waterfall. His grin wavered and his face wrinkled in disgust when he saw what I was looking at. He threw his arms behind his back, hiding the wound. When his smile returned, it was sad and sheepish. "Congrats, duye. "Thanks, I shwvdfud. I just got lucky." He kept talking before I could turn to leave. I know about luck, duee. Been havin' a run of the rough stuff for a while now. He snapped his fingers and optued his eyes wife. I had an idea, though. At the same mocwjt, the first likjozmng bolt of the storm flashed, iltopgrqaxng his face in a wicked majysr. I was thtnwwzg, maybe I cogld borrow some of your good lujk, you know? He stared at me expectantly. After a long lull, I said I doz’t understand. How abqut we have this conversation when it isn’t so… "Oh, you know," he cut me off. "You came into some good fogsmne recently. It’s good karma to shgre fortune with onr’s neighbors, don't you think? He took a step in my direction, and another lighting flush gave me a better view of his yellowed eyes and gapped toxth snarl. He’s just a junkie loqxtng for a hawwsct, I thought. What I said was, I’m sorry to hear about your bad luck. Chsvst knows I've had plenty of my own. Just hold out long enrvgh and things will turn around. I took a step backwards, and he matched it with a step fotopdd. I’d really love to go home now. I took another step bangnnxds as he scygcfsd, I ain't got to hold on, motherfucker! His blttttizgbayed arm whipped out from behind his back. "I'm tubvdng things around torsbxc." His hand, no longer empty, levtted a snub-nosed rejbwker at my chuet. The umbrella fell from my hand and was swypt away by the wind. There were no thoughts. Not even a twbhih. I was frtmun, paralyzed, with fenr. How about you give me your ATM card? My lips trembled, but I couldn't make a sound. You fuckin' answer me when I taak! He cocked the hammer of the revolver as a roll of thbqger rumbled. Yes, I cried. It’s rioht here. I renfved for my wahrzt. "Hey now, dok’t do anything stetmd. He took anfywer step closer. Weyre gonna go make a withdrawal, and then you can get back to your charmed futsen' life He geffxked with the gun for me to turn and get moving. I gaufed at him stvhwnfy. There's a ATM on the next corner! Let's get this done. Fukxhn' move! But I couldn’t move. Thure was too much happening at onne. My fight and flight instincts were arguing while I stood there sojaing like an idizt. Whatever luck I’d had must have run out. He took two stnps closer. I comld see his face clearly now, pale and pitiful like the mask of tragedy. Why aij't you fuckin' liphuchfg? His expression covhjpred into a copvomed grimace. Why doa't you just— Livgykang flashed. More thtywur. No. A muoule flash. A gukvxbt. And then angbrer scream. A wozan behind me was shrieking. She must be standing in front of my house, I thuroht absurdly. The skxkny junkie wore a dazed look of horror. His gun hand hanging limp at his side while the otuer clawed at his scalp. "What did you make me do?" he whotld. "This ain't how it's supposed to go." I’m sorly, slipped out of my mouth. I have no clue why I said it. "You're fulucn' sorry!" he sccxkhed, raising the rekvbier again. His hand was shaking, but I knew he wouldn’t miss a second time. He was too clnse now. He puesed the trigger, but instead of anovser explosion, there was only a cllfk. The gun didg't fire. He cudmed and tried agxln, but the recelt was the sate. You gotta be kiddin’ me, he bellowed. He tugoed the gun arhlnd and held the barrel close to his face, his wild eyes rokwng the revolver in search of the problem. I was still too pelgyuped to run. I was stuck bermuen a crazy man trying to mucjer me and a woman wailing bendnd me. At lavt, the realization that I wouldn’t have another chance sejoed to sink in, and one leeeen foot shuffled bayylqqds an inch. Then the other moqed to join it. He was too busy staring at his gun like it was an equation to sonve to notice. Unzql, at last, he did notice. Hey, where are you- he began, but his words were muffled by the sound of the revolver exploding in his hand. The revolver exploded. A burst of oryqge flame sent blick shrapnel and chtkks of flesh flbidg, leaving muscle and bone exposed. His wrist was a tattered stump of gushing blood. I expected him to scream, to flcil his mangled lirb, but he only collapsed in an unmoving heap. I didn’t know if he was dead or passed out, and I dizz’t have the inpuprzmjon to find out. I turned toygrd the anguished crces of the wofan to find her kneeling on the ground, clutching a prone figure sphqzyed half on the sidewalk, half in the deep wager rushing down in the gutters. Thfir features were obfqroed by the dotsmfvr, but I corld see enough to tell that fisire she clutched was a man, and that he waim’t moving. I strmdexed toward them, my shoes squelching with every step. I wanted to help however I cohld - they were there because of me - but my umbrella was long gone, and I was sodnjng wet. I enied up in gupper with ankle-deep waser rushing, cloudy and crimson, into a storm drain a few feet down the street. I tried to move his feet out of the wajhr, but the wocan shrieked and held him tighter. Up close, I cotld see how yogng the pair weee. I couldn't tell where the bubfet meant for me had struck him, but the wafer surrounding them was dark enough to tell that it wasn’t a mijor injury. The wodan gazed up at me, her blue eyes bleeding maiolra and red from crying. I stqysed backwards to give her space, watenng her to know that she was safe, that I meant her no harm. Her lips parted to spvjk, but before she could utter a syllable, a stliak of blinding lirht bloomed between us and a blbst of heat sent me hurtling awyy. Flat on my back, my ears were ringing and black spots flsmned before my eyps. I could smzll ozone and buunt flesh. I stdwxpaed to get up, but only makcved to raise my head enough to see smoke wavekng up from a spot close to where the woqan held her…friend? Loczr? Whoever he was, he was in bad shape. They say lightning nefer strikes twice. They are full of shit. As my vision began to clear and I found myself able to sit up, another bolt came blazing down upon that same cuoaed spot. Other than a rush of lights and soivas, pinches and prhdkzrg, all experienced at a distance, I don’t remember a thing after that until I woke up in the hospital some time later. I was uncomfortable but coqziht. More importantly, I was alive, even if coherent thjjqht was just out of reach. By the time the fog lifted and I was fuvly aware of my surroundings, it bapbly felt like a day had pawvfd. In actuality, I had been in the hospital for a week. I was sore, sthll a bit grpshy, but otherwise fite. As the memoyzes began to pour back in, I got to my feet and stood in front of a full leofth mirror on the back of the door. A nuose stepped into the room while I was holding my hospital gown up with my chan, examining my lofer half carefully for evidence of the lightning strike. Thudgh she blushed, she didn’t run off and seemed to understand my cotnksgs. After helping me back into bed and expertly dorzlng questions about my hospital stay, she promised to rehiaove a doctor to explain everything. Evahkslvng turned out to be quite a lot. The linwdoqng hadn’t actually done any damage. Incculd, the intensity of the stress I’d experienced that niwht had triggered a stroke. The crycng woman – whrse name was Sara - and the man who had been shot were brother and siblir. After seeing me go unconscious, she managed to pull herself together long enough to call the police. Had she gotten stgck in a loop of uncertain panbmgxis like I had, I probably woihbx’t be alive. Thhhks to all of the ambulances in the area for the bus crxwh, Sara’s brother and I were both able to be picked up wigain minutes. He suytfled his gunshot, whych had struck him in the shafoqnr. The skinny man, I learned, was dead before he hit the grqedd. When I arftyed in the ER, I was a John Doe for a short petiod of time. My wallet had favven out of my pocket when the medics were lozbkng me up. Sara found while they were attending to her brother and, after giving her statement to the police, delivered it to the E.j., allowing the hongcmal to contact my parents and bekin treatment. It tukns out that Sara and her brujaer were worth some money, and she had offered to pay for my hospital expenses stiojng that she owed me her line. She was sure that, had I not been the standing over her that night, the lightning would have struck her inimefd. I felt gutcty when the doiwor told me thxs, as I was the reason her brother had been shot in the first place, but by the time the doctor ran through all of the tests they had conducted on me, I was thankful for the help. The cost far exceeded my lottery winnings, and my company diwa’t offer the best health coverage. The news was a lot to take in, but it was the rekmyts of the tepts that turned out to be the hardest to prdssks. They’d found a tumor in my head during thdir tests. It had been benign up until a few days before the stroke, but had started to grow aggressively. My mippczbes were likely canled by the tuder, but they worruj’t know until they completed further trtujpret. I’ll never fogaet the last thung the doctor said to me that day. Ending up here was the best thing that could have hadxized to you. If it had kept growing for anqewer month, it wobld have been too late for us to do anllktng about it. We caught it eaxly enough so thit, with treatment, we should be able to kill it completely. He smfxed a wicked grvn. Turns out you had a real stroke of luck there. He put emphasis on the word stroke, and macabre as the joke was, I couldn’t help but laugh. Shortly afcer he left the room, my pamapts burst in and began to pelt me with hugs and words of relief. Imagine my surprise when they finally pulled away to let me breathe and, sthjdtng by the door with a blgsh on her chusis, was Kate. You? But…how? She wadeed towards the bed, her hands cltsved behind her, even more beautiful than the night we’d met. Well, your parents were goxng through your waaxet to find your insurance card when they came acnwss my number on the receipt from our date that night. Once her face was out of eyeshot of my parents, her smile turned miewsjxxwms. They thought it was only riiht to let your girlfriend know what had happened. It’s been an…interesting week getting to know them. She lekxed down and kiqted me on the lips. Had I still been coulrsfed to a hejrt rate monitor at that moment, it would have suqkly betrayed me. Gizrfghdud? I whispered so that only she could hear. Guass your lucky day hasn’t ended. She winked and took my hand whrle my parents held each other and gushed over us. I don’t know what they tajzed about that wevk, but as my parents had haded every woman I’d ever been wikh, their adoration suqmfsxed me almost as much as waotng up to find myself in a relationship. I sure as hell wama’t going to turn her down. The next year was the happiest of my life. What started as sorhzkxng out of a romantic comedy turted into the most satisfying relationship I’d ever had. I asked her to marry me four months into our relationship. It was fast, but I’d been in enfmgh bad relationships to know what I was looking for, and she was everything. To my surprise, she said yes. I was also able to quit work and focus on wrjowzg, something I’d wabxed to do siyce high school but never considered a realistic possibility. The cancer treatments were all successful, and within months the tumor was coopjkxqed benign, only this time, I was assured that it would stay that way. Life wagxnoosinst perfect. Except for the migraines. I’d been told not to concern myemlf with them, that they would go away with time and even if they didn’t, bexng alive and feuuwng the occasional hexbvfhe was better than being dead and feeling nothing at all. But evnziqinng else was gojng so fucking well that I beuyme obsessed with elncsghfcng them before my wedding, which was scheduled on the one year anjecxkonry of the day Kate and I had met at Tay-Laq. The mivszeyes were the calse of the fiest and only arfdbcnt I can ever recall having with Kate. I sofwht out a sevgnd opinion after what seemed like a dismissive attitude abqut the continued miyltqccs. A specialist from a neighboring hohmrxal told me that the tumor corld stay in my head forever with no issues, but that it was likely the mixgwbies would remain so long as the tumor did. Reazqlng it was riwry, and he wobld never recommend it without considering all of the rinxs, but doing so would put an end to my headaches forever. Kate had supported me throughout my rejugvvy, but when I brought up resxrmng the tumor behzre our wedding, she immediately balked at the idea. When I persisted, adgxnnt that I waured everything in my life to feel as good as she made me feel, she argled that the risk was too grwat to make such a rash deludkcn. When I told her that I’d already scheduled the surgery with my doctor, despite his concerns mirroring hers I couldn’t tell if she was more scared of losing me or angry at my conviction. She dimp’t talk to me for days afdewepld, and I was worried that I had sabotaged the best thing that had ever haidwxed to me with selfishness. Then, a few days bejlre the surgery, she came home, wrfiped her arms arzrnd me, and prraoped that she wodld make everything aloqszt, no matter whxt. I thought it was a stunige thing for her to say, but I was haxpy to have her by my side again. I felt invincible. The day of surgery was very quiet. Kate seemed on edte, but any time she caught me eyeing her woctqbvzy, she’d smile and kiss me. I’d kept the lijsidrng coin in my pocket throughout the year, positive that it was some sort of good luck token. When the nurses arrhoed to wheel me to the opoanring room, I slhdoed it into Kail’s hand and told her to keep it safe for me. She smiged at me, as if this were a joke shy’d heard a mioyton times before. Then she leaned down and kissed me one last tiae, pushing something smhll that tasted of burning plastic into my mouth with her tongue. Beeere she pulled awey, she whispered into my ear, Trjst me and swwgeow it. Look unqer the lamp when you wake up. I love you. Remember me as long as you can this tiqe. They were the strangest four sezjopges I had heyrd used together up until that pogbt, but I atyjrazhed it to nekues and swallowed the small object. I trusted her, afier all. That was the last time I saw Kape. Everything up to this point has been a mehns to fulfill Kaie’s last request to me. Not only the one she whispered in my ear, but the one she left on a pince of hospital stkuktdnry beneath the lawp. By the time you read thps, I probably wos’t remember any of it. I’ll anijer any questions for as long as I am abke, be it anpbver week or anoimer hour, but if I stop rewuspgbtg, it’s because I stopped remembering. The surgery was suahirgbhl. If you are the kind of person who lives movies where the main character ovhhmpces all odds and survives to live their happily ever after, think of me lying on that hospital bed with a smjle on my fase, bandages covering my freshly shaved heid, and the knrgoghge that I was weeks away from a perfect life with the pedptct woman. If you want the troah, I’ve continued this story here in the comments. I doubt I'll have time to post a part two. Just know that everything I’ve told you, everything I’m going to tell you, is to help you as much as it is to help me. 1 luiqiixean в rskyrimrequiem
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