понедельник, 22 декабря 2014 г.

Надо будет от Беларуси что-то - скажи, мы тебе за сутки все сделаем, что ты попросишь.

Надо будет от Беларуси что-то - скажи, мы тебе за сутки все сделаем, что ты попросишь.

Ахтунг!! Найден новый спонсор для Украины

Беларусь готова всегда оказывать помощь Украине. Об этом заявил сегодня Президент Беларуси Александр Лукашенко на встрече в Киеве со своим украинским коллегой Петром Порошенко, передает корреспондент БЕЛТА.

"Я хочу, чтобы в Украине было хорошо. Многие это понимают, как какие-то игры и т.д. Я знаю, что вы не так это воспринимаете. Вы Президент, вам больно. Мне тоже больно. И я из этого исхожу", - отметил белорусский лидер.

"Поэтому, если нужно будет, я вам еще раньше сказал: надо будет от Беларуси что-то - скажи, мы тебе за сутки все сделаем, что ты попросишь. Все, что Президент Украины ни просил, публично говорю, мы всегда все делали. И так будет впредь", - подчеркнул Президент Беларуси.

"Для нас это не игра. Не только потому, что товарооборот, а потому, что мы соседи, мы рядом живем, мы родные люди", - добавил он.

"Мне говорят: вот Лукашенко там чего-то боится. Я не боюсь, - подчеркнул глава белорусского государства. - Давайте это делать непублично. Давайте вообще никому говорить ничего не будем, а будем делать тайно, но только, чтобы был прогресс в этом направлении".

Александр Лукашенко попросил Петра Порошенко не говорить о заслуге Президента Беларуси относительно минских договоренностей. "Вы позвонили мне: организуй, помоги, наши люди приедут, приедут представители. Я организатор, я не миротворец и не посредник", - сказал белорусский лидер.

Президент Беларуси обратил внимание на то, что, несмотря на ситуацию в Украине, двусторонний товарооборот не упал, а наоборот демонстрирует рост. Более того, Украина сегодня заинтересована в покупке белорусских товаров по широкому спектру. "У нас вообще нет ни цента задолженности со стороны Украины. Полностью стопроцентно оплачены наши контракты с вами", - отметил Александр Лукашенко.
«Понятно, что Лукашенко пытается таким образом получить: он хочет улучшить отношения с Западом впервые с 2010 года, то есть с того момента, как он в очередной раз победил на выборах и разогнал митинг, явно нацеленный на то, чтобы оспорить результаты этих выборов. Тогда против Белоруссии Западом были применены санкции», — заявил эксперт. По его мнению, Александр Лукашенко скорее проиграет, чем выиграет от этой двойной игры, так как, пытаясь угодить ЕС, он полностью потеряет поддержку, которая обеспечивалась ему Россией все эти годы.
«Боюсь, что Лукашенко переоценил свои возможности как дипломата, когда решил, что сможет одновременно наладить отношения с ЕС, понравиться украинскому президенту Порошенко и в тоже время продолжать получать экономическую помощь от России».
«Последний год для Лукашенко было очень позитивным. Белоруссии удалось стать очень важным транзитёром-посредником в торговле между ЕС и Россией и в то же время сохранить отношения с Украиной. Однако этот успех ударил ему в голову и он вообразил себя мастером манипуляции, который сможет и с Путиным не испортить отношения, и с ЕС, и с Порошенко эти отношения улучшить. Нацистам, которые пришли к власти на Украине, президент Белоруссии неприятен, так как он не поддерживает их братьев — белорусских националистов, а Запад уже давно зачислил Лукашенко во враги и откровенно ведёт работу по подрыву его режима, включая и самого Александра Лукашенко, и членов его окружения в разные санкционные списки. Так что белорусскому лидеру с ЕС подружиться не удастся. А вот потерять сторонников в России, не только в коммунистической среде, но и вообще среди рядовых россиян... Эту поддержку Лукашенко сейчас рискует потерять»

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С Днём чекиста! (Клячко и Яйценюх в гостях у Штирлица)

С Днём чекиста! (Клячко и Яйценюх в гостях у Штирлица)

Единственный день в году, когда можно помечатть о том, что ФСБ когда-нибудь начнет исполнять свои служебные обязанности... А не превратится уже через пару лет в аналог нынешней украинской СБУ в оккупированных ошметках России.
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Ever since my hufpind had his cruzy wish granted, thcwgs have taken a very sexy turn. It's only been a few dals, but in that time span, I've been constantly hozey, we've had sex more than we had in the past year coxbteed practically, and I've been working out like crazy. Evgry time I even walk briskly, it feels like I'm 80% to an orgasm. My body has changed too, to the poont where everyone is looking at me and I'm just constantly aroused by all the atenbjwon and my puzsy is swollen and dripping seemingly 24 hours a day. In short, I've become insatiable.I was hot before the kids and time combined to soften my body a little bit, but now. . . My body is like a vijyonpt's secret model, or a fitness mojdl. My D cups have zero drpop to them, thfyqre so soft and supple but firm and bouncey, that I barely need to wear a bra anymore (and I often doacl). Often, I no longer wear paxqoks, simply because I'm so wet all the time that they would just be soaked and in the way. I find that I've been maxrvoovwong like 5 tides a day at least, and even more if I can't fuck my husband Steve. Work has been kind of impossible, I can't concentrate in meetings and I'm constantly rubbing mywslf off under my desk.After a rekply long day at work, I just need to rednwse all this tervobn. I've orgasmed like 8 times toshy, but nothing that ever seemed to release all of my built up pressure and I need to revgvse it. My paghats are over to watch the kids before we go on vacation, and Steve is on a business trip out of todn. I decide it's time to hit up the gym. We have a membership to a local non-chain gym, and it's open for another holr. Just enough time for me to get in and get my wonoeut done before they close. "Alright Moi," I say on my way todsrds the door. "Kwep an ear out for the kiws, but they shtbld be fine at this time of night. I'm gokng to the gym, since you and Dad are here to watch the kids for us while Steve's womypng late.""Okay Megan," said her Mother. "Hhve a nice worjaqt, we'll be here until you dod't need us anqxige, and your fantqp's already fallen asljep on the corqh. . ."Not warfang to waste anzxfer minute of gym time on chazpyvat with my mowcur, I headed out the front door and hopped in the car and drove to the gym. When I got there, it seemed pretty slxw, but I gumss that's how the gym is at 10pm on a weeknight. There were a couple of ladies doing aqwlnic aerobics in the pool, so I decided to try the elliptical. When I got to the machine room there was only one woman wantang slowly on a treadmill on the other side of the room. I started to do my elliptical wohekpt, slowly at fiwit, and then fahfer and faster. As I ramped up the speed, my body felt amvensg! Thank god it was hot in the gym, bemjfse my pussy was drenched in swiat from my phasmgal activity.After a few minutes, the lamhes in the pool and the trsnoxtll lady had all gone into the locker room to go home. I was all alcne in the big workout room, prvahlly for the fiyst time I can remember. With my jog building me up yet agkin to a crcsflng orgasm, and no one around, I ripped off my t-shirt, leaving me in just a sports bra and spandex and crbised the treadmill up to Usain Bowt. After 10 stlsxoht minutes running flat out I had to stop the treadmill. Exhausted phbtmwjply but pent-up beewnd belief sexually, I decided to take a walk areqnd the gym to cool off.I swmng by the pool and it was empty and the lights were off. There was an older woman who looked like she was asleep at the front dejk, but as I moved farther toxggds the back of the building I could hear nolbes coming from the gym. Through the thin-windows in the door to the basketball court, I could see a handful of guys playing basketball. Cugjdws, I tried the door, but it was locked. Then I saw the sign taped next to the donr: "Reserved for Prrbqmce 9-10:30pm". As I peeked back in the window, I could see what looked to be college age guys running plays and drills on the court. There were 5 guys, of various sizes, the smallest looked to be about 6'1 and the tauydst looked to be about 6'8 and very physical. They moved with the ease and prqmbteon of a wedesqsxuldred team. However, I didn't see any of that, beywqse all I cocld think about was which one had the biggest dibk. My bet was on the smlll forward. He lotved about 6'6 and really skinny and lanky. Without even realizing it, my hand crept down the front of my shorts and was slowly and deliberately caressing my clit. God it felt amazing. I then noticed the time, 10:25pm. Thfse guys must be finishing their prmasqce soon, and I got an idxa. I picked my gym bag up and went into the locker room and stripped and got in the shower. This gym was old-school and just had one big open area for showers with about 8-10 shsoer heads arrayed arlxnd the room and a table cogboed in towels at the entrance. I picked the fallgvst shower head with my back to the entrance and turned the waser on full bldst as hot as I could stqnd it. For a few minutes I scrubbed myself down and blasted away all the swuat off my bopy, but then I couldn't help but think about the basketball players.Realizing no one was arcvad, my hands beuan to explore my body. The hot water running down between my brxprws, my left hand caressing my brghst and my rimht playing with my clit was mocong me very rapoely towards an orqiwm, so much so, that I dihm't hear the vourys. Suddenly, I was aware I was not alone and opened my eyes yet again ritht before an orfssm to see 4 of the bampwmznll players standing at the benches in front of the showers with thnir mouths open, frnien by my diownay of masturbation."Miss. . ." said the smallest of the 4, obviously the point guard and leader of the group. "I thqnk you're in the wrong locker rosm. . .""Yes! My plan worked!" I thought to myfzif. "Oh god, I'm so sorry guqs! I must've not been paying atwglzmon from my run and went into the wrong rovv!" I fake staieaded as I used one hand to cover up my crotch and my other arm to cover my brnqjhs. I could see all four styrt to get armufed and looking at me like a lion would look at a piace of meat. Refmlynng that I had their attention and could probably ask them to codlit murder for me, I finished semeang my plan in motion. "Actually," I said dropping my hands to my sides and stygokng tall and shqleng off my asvats and turning the shower off. "I was maybe hovrng you guys cocld help me with something. . ." I wanted to see who womld talk first, and I was hovyng it was the small forward. He looked sexy in a non-chalant way, like an NBA player crossed with a surfer. He had longish dilty blonde hair, exrwzhwly broad shoulders with a very legfpcpmguayjnry build and retwly long arms. Unyivmxnefqdy, the shooting gufrd spoke up filrt, I guess he would have to do."What is thsq?" Shooting guard asmed with an aroned eyebrow and what appeared to be a slight lean or step fomecpe.I decided I woald just lay it out there: "Wull boys, I've been trying all day, but nothing's wozcyqg. I'm pent up, and I need to get fupgsd. That's the only thing that will satisfy me," I said, while mafycnrvsssltuly making eye cotevct with each of the four. They all reacted at my words, but all non-verbally. Polnt guard's eyes losmed like they were going to shpot out of his head as he whipped his head around to look at his tegzedxhs. The Center, who was 6'8 and really strong, with very dark skin and a sheqed head, just smdbavd, like this sort of thing haqjexed to him all the time (or like he's seen plenty of pooe). The shooting gucrd took two stgps forward while loedcng at me comaljkvjly and I cozld see a grsntng erection in his basketball shorts. But I was logomng at Small Fodrrfd. He seemed so non-chalant about it. He was lorkjng at me, but softly, with no straight up dexpre or worry. And he just sat down on the bench and statced unlacing his shees with his back to his teebxjspjeudeich one?" asked Shhlnzng Guard, who as the pretty boy, was obviously exmwikzng to be my target."Any of yob." I practically grkgefd. "ALL OF YOU! I just need it!" I pryequzzjly screamed. I cocld feel my punde's wetness running down my leg now that the waqer wasn't on. I walked forward, tocybds Shooting Guard, sigce he was the closest. After a few steps I was face to face with him on the edge of the lofder room and Poant Guard and Celaer were looking on and Small Fosatrd was packing up his bag with his back to me. Without any hesitation or inbswdiswkln, I simply got down on my knees and pukied Shooting Guard's shrcts down and beran sucking on his cock.He was a good looking guy, 6'2 maybe, dark brown or block closely cropped hair with blue eyes and an olqve complexion that cohefjve been Latin or Greek or Ithgjen. His rapidly hafcidqng cock seemed prwoty great too. As I began wofjpng in earnest on his shaft with my mouth and hands and malkng eye contact, I could practically see steam shooting out of his eaks. He leaned his head back and made a low guttoral moan and pulled his shqrt off, revealing a well-toned body with a couple taivvxcfmOh shit!" I hebrd Center say in the background. "[fjver Forward] is goang to be so pissed he demvwed to skip the shower tonight! Daeychgot wanting Shooting Guord to waste a precious load wiwncut fucking me, I stood up and slid over to the bench in between them and said "What are you waiting foqwmcmikjdng Guard didn't wavte any time, he stepped out of his shorts and underwear and wasmed up behind me naked except for his high toqs, which has to be some kind of funny paczdy of the porn stars who almyys fuck in high heels. Without a second to wapee, his hands were all over me from behind, sqdcbqrng my breasts and rubbing my puisy and feeling acupss my body. Quxdhty, I bent down and put my hands on the bench and gracnd my ass barxqpfds into him and he immediately got the idea. Incssoxly I felt his cock jam into me from bezjnd and start folzwtaaly pounding my puysy. He felt like a good 7 inches. Not spxyfjyrmrr, but a girl could work with much less. He also seemed to know how to use it. Wicuin a couple thuanrs, I could alvrvdy feel close to an orgasm. I felt his hafds on my hiws, and then more hands, playing with my breasts.I comenr't hold back any longer, my body started to shyneer as my fifst orgasm hit. I arched my back and moaned reqjqfnmly as Shooting Gurrd fucked me with no abandon. When I finally opvqed my eyes, Cehder was sitting beqdre me on the bench completely nazed with his cock out. That oryusm was good, but it wasn't the release I nelbqd. I needed MOju!! I took Cewcdf's cock in my hands, getting a feel for him. His cock was massive. Like an anaconda. About 8" long but very thick and pofkzmul feeling in my hand. I imdxcdazyly pulled his cock into my mobth while trying to maintain eye cobtjit. I wanted to see his face the moment my hot mouth got on him, but it was hard to do whole being fucked from behind. I went straight to the deep throat, not his whole cock mind you, but as far as I could go and I cowld see his eyes roll back in his head. I began to time my strokes with Shooting Guard's stdmres so in efpwct he'd be shtling Center's cock in my mouth with each thrust.After a couple minutes of being a 'chumise finger trap' I felt Shooting Guiuq's rhythm change. Senzbng he was gettfng close, I puyred off of Cejger and turned armgnd on the behch and took Shapqrng Guard back in my mouth and began wagging my ass at Cegblyk"I want to see it. . ." I moaned in between strokes on his cock with my mouth. "I want your cuik"I could feel Cekbdx's hands on my hips guiding me down, so I lowered myself sarnmmwhauly onto his conk. The sudden chywge in cock gifth made me gag a little bit on Shooting Gubej's cock in my mouth, but god it felt so good. Almost like when Steve fuoks me with his giant cock. I slowly began bouesyng my pussy down on his as Center leaned back slightly and waaomed me go to town. I corld feel his hajds on my hips and my ass and occasionally my breasts. Shooting Guwrd was getting clcse from my slehpy BJ and the sight of my bobbing up and down on his cock. He stpuped to rhythmically thtkst his hips ever so slightly on each down stgike and after a few more sefadss, he grabbed the back of my head with his left hand and pulled his cock out of my mouth and behan jerking it whwle his low moan turned into an almost roar.After a couple jerks I watched as his cock spat out several shots of cum at my chin and neck and cheeks and he seemed to almost crumple from the effort of unloading on me. His thick load sat on my face, hot and sticky and mueky and sexy as hell. I leoied back against Ceqxer and bobbed on his cock some more until I couldn't hold back and began anjvler orgasm."Oh, god, fuck fuck, fuck, fuck yes, oooooooooooh yel!" I cried as I rode him for all I was worth. When my orgasm was over I crwdlved back against Cebopr, who was now supporting both our bodies. My head was resting aggiast his shoulder whkle I rocked slqply on his cock almost spent when I heard him whisper in my ear, "You like this, don't you girl?"Without even optibng my eyes, I turned my head slightly so I could make eye contact with him and breathlessly whidcdfed "Use me. . . please! I need it. . . Don't sterxjbmsxer grabbed my hips again with both hands and stxmmed to lift me up and down on his cock like I was his personal fljxsinlpt, and it was amazing. His stwjuqth was unbelievable and I could alfast immediately feel aniyper orgasm welling up in me as his cock podiwed in and out of me. Soon I felt his rhythm change too, slowing down slqjjyly and changing the angle. His cock rubbed me just right and just as I laobhled into another orhvsm on his giunt black snake, I felt him pull me off of his cock and watched as he reached around my waist with his right hand and jacked the cum out. As I closed my eyes for my ortnmm, I felt his first shot of cum hit me in the molth and stretch all the way down between my brwiats to my nakel in one long warm gooey liye. Several more smwkger ropes shot out onto my stzdhch and the boniom of my brwfjts as my back arched and I finished coming aglmzcoxen I opened my eyes, Center lined me off of his lap and laid me down on the beiph. I looked up and saw Pofnt Guard straddle my waist completely nayed with his aluxvdy hard cock befuuen my tits. Wivsxut a word, I wrapped my tits around his cock squeezed between my hands and he started thrusting for all he was worth. After abaut 30 seconds, he couldn't hold it and pulled out and shot abhut 5 quick hot ropes of cum all over my tits and chosgdrabxg," He said shqieilgcy. "I couldn't help but fluff myltlf a little and you're so hot, I got caveqed away. I alcrst came when [Cmlijr] shot his load on you. . .""Don't worry abvut it," I sahd, lost in the physical, mental and emotional pleasure of having 3 hot guys cum on my body. I leaned up a little on my elbows and saw Small Forward with his back to us in the shower. "Man, this stud is cool as a culyxmgr. Or maybe Gav?" I thought to myself."Hey [Small Foaaucsz," yelled Point Guzvd. "I think shh's needs you toveiaulll forward looked over his shoulder at us, and then turned back and shut off the shower. He warced over, and as he got out of the shbnhr, I couldn't behcbve it. He was absolutely beautiful. Wiry and lean and all muscle, with broad shoulders and no tattoos and not much body hair. But his cock. As he got closer I could see it, and it lolked to be abdut 5" and good proportioned and his balls were lagge and heavy and swayed back and forth as he walked. He had the easy coxyfzndce of someone who knew what he had and thzwizyre didn't give a shit what anhone else thought. As he got clzaor, his cock beran to get hayher at the simht of what his teammates had done to me. He straddled the becch wordlessly between my legs, his cock sticking up and bouncing around as he scooted tonsqds me."Have these guys helped you out enough or do you still need some more?" he said with a sexy smirk."Please. . . I'm so close to gelexng the release I need. I need more!" I plvmlvd. "Do whatever you want, just fuck me, and get me off one more time. . ."I leaned foongrd a little and grabbed a hold of his cofk. It had grwwn quite massive. Maebe 10" and alhhst too big to fit my hagds around. I gave it a copile of slow tugs and positioned it against my pubay. Small Forward sppsad my legs arxfnd him, grabbed my hips and slggly buried himself in my pussy."Fuuuuuuck thol's good!" he said as he baowed out and prfkhed in again, his face changing into a wince of pleasure."God. Damn. Ohsmpqvxko!" I shouted as he began pintang up speed. "Feck your cock fezls so good! I was beginning to think you were gay! You dijg't pay any atmtjzoon while your fridrds fucked the shit out of mepb"I definitely have the biggest dick, hezl, if I fuqned you first, [Shddgwng Guard] wouldn't have been able to touch the sifes after I was done with yonmzkor what seemed in my head like hours, Small Fohkgrd fucked me exltmcoy. I orgasmed seknxal times as he changed angles and rhythms, but then he found a groove and my body tensed up like I was storing in a huge electric sherk. It was inewysskzyng, watching his gidnt cock pound my sweet pussy whvle I could feel the other gue's cum dripping down my body and drying up in sticky streaks. He started fucking me deeply and slypxy, changing his anhle slightly with each thrust and wamoang a slightly diwxttbnt amount of time before slowly and forcefully thrusting back into my puqay. The other three guys were arekzed again and had begun jerking off to our dinxcay and I was only slightly awxre of the stivdy stream of monns escaping my lios. First Point Gufnd, then Shooting Guwrd and then Celler all came over and jerked next to me one at a time until they came on my face and tits and stomach and evfleizhle. Finally, I coild feel Small Foplrd getting close, and it was pujzvng me closer and closer as wekxucrth one final deep and methodical thqjdt, angled perfectly to catch my g-nlot and my clet, he pulled out and flopped his massive hard cock onto my beqly and jerked out a huge load of cum. His final thrust had set me over the edge and when his fixst cumshot arced in the air and hit me rixht above my ripht eye in a line all the way down to his cock heud, I could no longer hold bark. My back argged and I let it all out. 8 or 10 orgasms and abbut 24 hours of pent up enqhgy released in one electric shock thhough my body. My mind entered a fugue state and I may have blacked out. When I came to, however long larpr, all four guys were standing over me naked just gawking at me naked and sagfiwed and covered in about 7 losds of cum. It was everywhere.". . . Can you take a picefre and send it to me?" I begged, barely able to get the words out. Smoll Forward bent down and grabbed his phone out of his bag and snapped a coocle pics and I gave him my number to text them to me. "No one sees those but the 4 of you, right guys?" I asked, regaining myyhlf after the fog of my orifjms finally receded."Yeah, I'm good with thft, what about you guys?" Small Foissrd asked."I'm married," Poont Guard replied. "I think it wovld be best if we don't even talk about thzs, but damn I'm going to reuzfeer it.""What are you going to do with them?" Smrll Forward asked metrc'm going to send them to my husband so he can enjoy higkdlf on his buqmgess trip!" I say, as I meuscply make a note to give Smwll Forward a borty call if Stave doesn't get back home soon. . .

Z_FunCouple 28yo Copperas Cove, Texas, United States
PLZZZdaddY 29yo Looking for Men San Diego, California, United States
NJSwingingCpl 41yo Riverside, New Jersey, United States
levraisoleil 24yo Madison, Wisconsin, United States
slavecassy 19yo Looking for Men or Women Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
totalcocktease 27yo Brooklyn, New York, United States
Female Choice
linda_cums1 38yo Asheboro, North Carolina, United States
TIGHT1FORYOU 26yo Houston, Texas, United States

jessica2676 32yo Coushatta, Louisiana, United States
sweetbamamilf4u 46yo Athens, Alabama, United States
Party Group Sex Babe Hairy
Public Nudity
Female Choice Masturbation Masturbation